A Model National Action Plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Model National Action Plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The vision of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted on October 31, 2000, is historic: It recognizes women not only as victims of war but also as agents of change with the potential to stem violence, reconcile communities, and sustain peace in conflict-affected...

Forum on gender equality in political parties

Forum on gender equality in political parties, organized by the Committee on Gender Equality of the House of Representatives BiH PA and the Agency for Gender Equality BiH in  cooperation with the OSCE Mission, was organised on May 7 2014. The Director of the Agency...

Bejing +20 Review Process for B-H completed

Review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (2000) in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been completed in May 2014. The report was...

Konsultacije vezane za Peking +20

U kontekstu dvadesete godišnjice Četvrte svjetske konferencije o ženama i usvajanja Pekinške deklaracije i Platforme za djelovanje Agencija za ravnopravnost spolova BiH  u saradnji i uz podršku UN WOMEN je izradila Izvještaj o pregledu napretka u provođenju Pekinške...

Saradnja sa RACVIAC-om

Predstavnici Agencije za ravnopravnost spolova BiH posjetili su Centar za sigurnosnu saradnju RACVIAC sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, koji prestavlja jedinstvenu međunarodnu organizaciju vezanu za promicanje stabilnosti i sigurnosti u regiji. Tom prilikom uspostavljen je...